速報APP / 醫療 / The Brain App

The Brain App





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:2, The Omega Centre Stratton Business Park Biggleswade SG18 8QB

The Brain App(圖1)-速報App

The app lets you explore the layers of the head from skin, muscle and skull down to the inner areas of the brain.

By using augmented reality (AR), the user gains an amazing insight into the tissues, structures and areas of the mind by moving the device around the special artwork provided.

Switch to virtual reality (VR) mode to view and navigate the inner brain structure. This can optionally be viewed using Google Cardboard.

The app provides an advanced and interactive view of the head and mind which is perfect for educational demonstrations, learning at home or just the enjoyment of finding out more about how our inner-selves work.

To use:

- Print out the artwork which is available at http://harmony.co.uk/project/the-brain-in-3d/

The Brain App(圖2)-速報App

- In AR mode, point your device at the printed image.

- Use your device to navigate the 3D content.

- Switch on and off the various layers - you can animate the brain areas to open and close.

- Tap the different sections of the brain to learn more!

- In VR mode, use your device to explore the 3D content, with the option to use Google Cardboard.

- To use Cardboard, simply switch to the split screen view and insert your device into the viewer.

The Brain App(圖3)-速報App

All feedback and thoughts for the next versions are very welcome and thank you for taking the time to enjoy our work.

The Brain App(圖4)-速報App